Mike Cardona's tweet about Twitter Teardowns

Available now Twitter Teardowns freshly roasted by Arvid Kahl

I'll tear into your Twitter profile and find the low-hanging fruit that will light a fire under your audience growth. Immediately.

I grew an authentic Twitter presence of over 100.000 with intentional relationships and a following that trusts me.

So grab a teardown and I'll send you a custom 15-minute video going through your profile and suggesting how to improve it.

Also directly available through Stripe.
Below is a real-world Twitter Teardown I recorded for a client.

Ready to dive deeper? Grab my Twitter course today.

Arvid's Twitter

More about Arvid Kahl

I've been growing a following on Twitter intentionally for years. Showing kindness, supporting entrepreneurs, and celebrating my community is my mission.

I wrote two best-selling books on entrepreneurship: Zero to Sold and The Embedded Entrepreneur — and I wrote them in public, using the frameworks introduced in this course. In fact, I even built this course in public!

When it comes to Twitter experience, you'll find that after over 42.000 tweets —and you'll find a spreadsheet of all of them in the course materials, with engagement metrics— I've learned a thing or two about writing engaging content.

Enjoying Twitter